Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just Another Wordless Wednesday


Melli said...

Ooooo water colors! Pretty!

YellowRose said...

So pretty!!!

Mine is up!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pastels!!

My W W is up

Uisce said...

That's cool picture -- I love doing watercolors!

Chaotic Mom said...

WOW! For being a page of "watered down water color" (or not, I'm not expert), this pic is really cool! ;)

My WW is up, too:

Pixie said...

Oh now I like that! It's beautiful.

Viamarie said...

What happened to the painting?

My WW is up too.

Unknown said...

So pretty!! :) Happy WW to you. :)

Julia said...

yes I did do it myself - it's a bit big for a scrapbook it is a1 size - thanks for all the great feedback

Kelly said...

Great water color painting!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this truly made me speach less. I can see a lot of things in that paintings actually, but not dress it in words...

Anonymous said...

Very nice!!!

MaR said...

Nice, very nice. Thanks for visiting my WW!

PowersTwinB said...

Love love love this painting! very dramatic! My WW is up, come on over for a laugh!

Fingers To Toes Photography said...

That's a great it watercolor or fabric? I have some fabric that looks very much like that! :)

We would also love to have you visit out wordless's :) and


Christine said...

This would make such a great shower curtain.

And let me add that the above statement goes directly into my "things I never thought I'd hear myself say" file.

Lovely painting, though!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!
Trying to visit the Wordless Wednesday blogs (which will probably take me until this Wednesday LOL!)

I got a late start as I have an awful lot of dead relatives, hence a lot of cemeteries to visit- LOL!

Terrific blog you have here - wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing!

Hope you are having a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very nice!
Trying to visit the Wordless Wednesday blogs (which will probably take me until this Wednesday LOL!)

I got a late start as I have an awful lot of dead relatives, hence a lot of cemeteries to visit- LOL!

Terrific blog you have here - wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing!

Hope you are having a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!