Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Amazing Skies

Hot air ballon (going)
Originally uploaded by pupski.
It's funny I was so busy tring to take a photo of the hot air balloon that I completely failed to notice the amazing sky. We have had a lot of amazing skies over the past few days. Clouds that are so mountainous and fluffy that you feel that if you could only reach them you could climb up them and have a snooze on the top.

I love these kinds of skies, they make me feel glad to be alive!


geokker said...

"I love these kinds of skies, they make me feel glad to be alive!"

Those kinds of sky are attributed to toxic fumes from our unsustainable, slash and burn society eating away the radiation absorbing atmosphere and assuring us of a bleak, choked future of poisoned air, genetic deformity and a crushing of the human soul.

For generations.


Julia said...

ahhh well - i won't feel the same about them now then!