Saturday, November 06, 2004

Friday November 5th - Halloween and all that....

Bonfire night, halloween what does it all mean???

Halloween is a bit of a community event round here but I can't help wondering whether or not it's a good thing. It's a shame that it takes something with such a "dark" vibe to get people out on the streets having fun.....

Or on the other hand maybe it doesn't matter - people have always liked to scare themselves and each other, before the advent of horror films and computer games people told each other scary ghost stories. So maybe it's ok as long as it is lighthearted and fun.

What does disturb me though is the current trend for young people to be into the dark arts. Walk into any high street book store and you will find a plethora of books on the subject - "how to be a teenage witch", books on Wicca, books of spells (usually all for self gain), and even the little Voodoo kit. VOODOO KIT!!! complete with voodoo doll to stick pins into!

Well as a teenager I had a healthy interest in all things unusual or whacky (as most intelligent teenagers do) and at the age of 12 or 13 my friend and I attempted to make a love spell (which didn't work!!) involving rose petals. But what worries me is the nasty side to the stuff thats around now. You can look at any number of spiritual and self help books and websites that tell us that it is not good to put out negative energy and thoughts - I mean isn't there enough hate and negativity in the world already? We are all so concerned about the effects of violent films and computer games - so why are voodoo dolls ok??

Surely we should be encouraging our kids (as it obviously kids that these things are aimed at) to try and get on with one another, to show each other compassion and understanding, not to take revenge on people who have annoyed or hurt you, and certainly not to do something to deliberately hurt other people. Whether they work or not is not the issue, it's the intent that counts.....
I say love thy neighbours (even if they're bloody noisy)
and turn the other cheek (after all slapped cheeks improve your circulation)....

Rant over!

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