Monday, October 03, 2005

Truck Philosophy - The Barefoot Doctor and how We Can change our own Realities

Truck Philosophy
Originally uploaded by Pak Gwei.
This photo was uploded to Flickr by Pat Gwei and I love it - I know that I would love to live in a world of fantasy - reality can be scary! having said that I am reading a new Barefoot Doctor book called Manifesto - How to get what you want without trying - and it is awesome. It's great to find a "self-help" book that is written in in an accessible way. the style is more like that of a blog, so it is incredibly easy to read. (it's not that I am not literary, but if a self help book is too dry I just don't take it in).

I have read bits of other barefoot books but this one is the best (for me). Barefoot tells us how we all create our own reality and how we can go about creating an even better one for ourselves - now who wouldn't want that? This is done by imagining the things you want from life - starting with the basics like fresh air, clean water and food and progressing to more detailed scenarios like your ideal house.

One I find particularly amusing is where you imagine yourself as a money magnet with notes of all demoninations flowing towards you and sticking to you.

Other ways to change your reality are by using affirmations. Now I have long been a fan of affirmations. I started using them some years ago when I first worked through the Artists Way by Julia Cameron, and I go through phases where I use them regularly. There are some excellent (and funny) ones in manifesto and barefoot encourages us to make up our own. We are supposed to say them at least 6 times and while doing something else like getting dressed, hoovering or walking to work - or to sing them - I tried this and it's good fun - though you would feel silly if anyone overheard you!

I've only had the book a week so my life so far hasn't changed immeasurably, but I have been feeling positive and fairly happy - mostly - so so far, so good!

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